Let’s make your FreeStyle2 experience even more exciting with this new system!
Let’s achieve a new goal which is different from Crew Tournament.
1. Only the Crew Members who already joined the crew
before the Crew League starts can receive the Crew League reward.
** Crew master cannot evict the members during the Crew League event period.
2. Only the Crew Member with character level 12 or up can join the crew league
[2] What is Crew League?
1) Crew Tier
Crew Tier will change based on Crew points after the Crew match.
You can view the conditions by clicking the button.

** Tier will be refreshed & changed every hour.
2) League
There are 2 types of Crew Leagues:
- Challengers League
Every Crew can join Challengers League for the first 3 weeks.
- Masters League
After the 3 weeks of Challengers League, Master’s League will open for 1 week
and it is exclusively for the
Top 30% crews in the Challenger’s League

Aside from crew points, Your crew will also receive crew coins for every match.
Click here for more information about the crew coin: Link
- Crew League Rule
Crew League has Individual ranking and Crew ranking. A Crew member
with the highest Individual Crew point will be chosen as the Star Player.

3) Crew League Timer
It will inform the opening and closing time of the Crew League.
4) Rival Crew
From the 2nd week of the League, a rival crew with comparable points
and total number of wins will be chosen. Rival crew will be re-selected every week.

5) Crew League On-air
You can watch other Crew’s matches.
6) Crew League Room List
You can enter the room made by a Crew member.
You can also make a room if there is no room available.
7) Crew League Court
- 3 members from your crew can make a team and join the Crew
League Match.
You can also check the Crew League Ranking and Crew League
event time in the court.
8) Winning Crew Emblem on the waiting court.
-The Crew emblem of the crew league winner will be placed on every
waiting court, including Individual Match, Team Match and Free Match.
9) Crew League On-air match
- Now all the ballers can watch the Crew League Match.
The match will be selected based on the both teams’ Crew Ranking.

[3] Crew League info
You can view the Changes of Crew ranking, Match info., Acquired Crew Points,
and Top 5 players in this page.
[4] Ranking info
- Crew ranking
You can view the Crew ranking of the Crew League.
You can also select to view the ranking of Challenger’s League
and Master’s League.
- Crew member ranking
You can view the Crew member ranking and Star player. And you can
also see the Character image by clicking the Character name.
- Individual ranking
You can view the ranking based on individual league points.
You can see the Character image and Crew name by clicking the
Character name.
Crew League Reward!
** Players should have at least 15 individual League Points & joined the crew
before the Crew League starts
If you have multiple characters in the same crew, you will receive the reward only once.
- Challengers League Reward
- Masters League Reward